Although the church hall is used primarily by the Sunday congregation, it is also available for hire. For bookings, and queries about hiring, please contact Stuart McLaren on 01603 633021. See below for maps.
St Augustine’s Hall is hireable Monday to Saturday from 9am to 9pm depending on availability. A modern, carpeted, centrally heated and furnished village-hall type setting with a maximum capacity of 60. The Hall is also suitable for smaller groups. Fully equipped kitchen area. Two toilets, one wheel-chair adapted. Portable ramp available for access through main double doors. Adaptable lighting levels.

Please note that the Hall is not available for hire for private parties other than for children aged under 12. The Hall is not directly accessible by motor vehicle, and there is no parking adjacent, though there is space on nearby streets and car parks.
Hire rates: £13 for one hour, £21 for two hours, each subsequent hour £6. Children’s parties: £50 payable in advance.

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